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时间:2020-10-26 08:53:34 来源:爱作文网  爱作文网手机站




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1、 Australia leads the world in its nu mber of reside nt pois onous spiders as well as the stre ngth

of their toxicity( 毒性).However,of almost 9,800 species most are perfectly harmless and

in teresti ng.

Spider diversity is broad and many fasci nati ng species occur here that range from the large to

the tiny and hardly noticed, and from the dullest black to the strangely shaped.

Spiders can be roughly classified according to the strategies(策略)they use for feeding.

Spiders which appeared earlier in the evoluti onary scale feed by wait ing in a cave for food to

come along before grabbing it. Following them were spiders which actively wandered looking for

food and which caught it by chas ing it dow n. The evoluti on of flying in sects makes spiders evolve new ways of catchi ng food which could n ' t be chased and so the earliest air web weavers arose.

Most spiders feed on in sects and other arthropods but the Whistl ing Spider feeds on frogs and

small birds. The Golde n Orb Spider also feeds on small birds.

A spider periodically sheds(蜕皮;脱落)its skin so that it can grow. Immature stages are called

moults. Each species has a particular nu mber of moults that it will go through before reach ing its final adult stage.

Usually, once male spiders have mated, they die shortly after. But, even in death, Redback

males often serve a purpose. The already pregnant Redback females always kill their lover and, in most cases, also eat them. This provides them with a small reproductive adva ntage.

Allow ing spiders to take up places around houses can be ben eficial in that they catch other annoying in sects such as mosquitoes and flies.

Rest assured that while you might see some large spiders, and perhaps even some pois onous

on es, a good rule is to look and admire but don't touch any spider you find. Even those without

pois on could still have a n asty bite.

Differe nt families of spiders are ide ntified themselves by .

their physical character

their ways of gett ing food

the stre ngth of their toxicity

their effect on the en vir onment

What are the latest spiders in their evoluti on process?

Spiders that chase dow n in sects for food.

Spiders that wait for the in sects to come along.

Spiders that can weave webs to catch flying in sects.

Spiders that actively go out to look for in sects as food.

3」f a spider stays on the wall of your house, you . ' d better

kill it

feed it

let it be

chase it out

4.What is the passage mainly talking about?

A brief in troduct ion of spiders.

The evolutio n process of spiders.

Livi ng harm onio usly with spiders.

The liv ing and feeing habits of spiders.

2、 Many people believe that you lose the ability to lear n new Ian guages as you get older.

Language experts,however,will tell you that you ' re never too old to learn a new Ianguage. As you

get older, it can be more difficult to learn a new language,though.

Childre n and adults lear n new Ian guages in differe nt ways. For childre n, Ian guage is their life.

They study for thousa nds of hours every year. Because they n eed to lear n Ian guage to became part

of their com mun ities.Adults, on the other han d,are already part of a Ian guage com muni ty. Lear ning

a new Ian guage means beco ming part of ano ther Ian guage com muni ty,a nd adults rarely get the

cha nee to practice as much as young childre n do.

Moreover.childre n lea ning a new Ian guage are expected to make mistakes. This gives them

freedom whe n lear ning to be dari ng and con fide nt Adults,however,ofte n feel pressured to be

perfect whe n lear ning a new Ian guage.This can discourage many people and make it eve n harder

to lear n a new Ian guage.

When young children learn a new Ianguage,they come to see various Ianguages as a “ normal

part of society.This mindset(思维模式)helps them embrace learning a new Ianguage without

feeli ng like they're doing someth ing unu sual or “ too hard ”.

So if you want to leann a new Ianguage,go f or it! It ' s never too late to leann a new Ianguage. If you're older,it may take more work,but it can be done.lf you're a young child,though,now is the time to step out and lear n a new Ian guage!

By “ Language is their life ” ,the author means that children

ca n't live without Ian guage

l ead a happy life every day

practice a new Ian guage a lot

are take n good care of adults

What may make it hard for the old people to lear n a new Ian guage!

They are afraid of being laughed at.

They usually have too many in terests.

They think making mistakes is n atural.

They always make all kinds of mistakes.

Which of the following shows the difference between children and adults in learning new

Ian guage?

The behaviors they have.

The lear ning attitudes.

The future pla ns they have made.

The materials they are using.

According to the author,a new Ianguage .

ca n n ever be lear ned by the old people

ca n be grasped by the people easily

ca n be un derstood only by the old people

ca n lear ned by both the old and the young

3、 Kids and tee ns are ofte n dismissive of praise from their pare nts. I am sure that pare nts out there can relate to this, as we all have bee n told at one time or ano ther by one or several of our kids, “ Stop it, Morh.' or even, “ You' re just saying that because you are my parents and you have to say that. " I can assure you, though, that they are liste ning. They will probably not tha nk you for this praise until they are in their twenties, but don't let that stop you from praising them during their childhood and teen years. Just be careful how you praise them. A little praise may go a long way ——especially if it is the right kind of praise.

It appears that the way to go is to praise their efforts accord ing to a study by Brummelma n, of Utrecht Un iversity in the Netherla nds and colleagues. These researchers con cluded that kids should be praised primarily for their efforts, rather tha n for their pers onal characteristics, because if they are praised for effort, then a poor performanee is more likely to be seen as a glitch( 小故障), rather tha n a valid reflect ion of who they are as in dividuals.

Let ' s think about this together. If you are a teenager or a child of any age and are constantly told how brilliant you are, then when you do poorly on a test or a few tests, you may feel like you have suddenly lost your status as brilliant and may now feel ashamed that you are merely average or even dumb. If you are a girl who is constantly being told how beautiful you are, then on a day when you don ' t look or feel so good, you may decide that you are unattractive. This is the problem that develops when we are praising our kids for global personality characteristics that they can't always live up to.

Accord ing to the passage, which of the follow ing stateme nts is the right kind of praise?

You are a great artist.

You are very in tellige nt.

Wow, you have a special gift for music.

Your pain ti ng has in deed improved due to your efforts.

Which of the follow ing stateme nts is TRUE accord ing to the passage?

All the childre n should be praised.

There ' s no n eed to praise kids and tee ns.

Praise should be beyond children ' s expectations.

praise.Teens often pay no attention to their parents


3.The un derl ined word“ dumb” in thGajastphaca n be replaced by

3.The un derl ined word


u nique


hon est

The main topic of this passage is

why to praise kids and tee ns

how to praise kids and tee ns

differe nt ways to praise kids and tee ns

the importa nee of prais ing kids

4、 Scien tists, psychologists and En glish academics at Liverpool Uni versity have found that readi ng the works of the classical writers like Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a great effect on the mi nd, catches the reader ' s attegtiersandme nts of self-exam in atio n.

Using a special machine, they monitored the brain activity of 30 volunteers as they read works

by William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, T.S. Eliot and others.

In the first part of the research, the brain activity of 30 volunteers was monitored as they read passages from Shakespeare ' s plays, including King Lear, Othello, Coriolanus and Macbeth, and again as they read the text rewritten in a simpler form or modern Ianguage.

While readi ng the com mon texts, no rmal levels of electrical activity were show n in their brains.

When they read the works of Shakespeare, however, the levels of activity jumped because of his use of words which were un familiar to them. The result of the test showed that the more challe nging passages cause a greater degree of electrical activity in the brain tha n the com mon on es.

Scien tists went on to study the brain activity as it resp on ded to each word and recorded how it

lit up as the readers came across unu sual words, surpris ing phrases or difficult sentences in the classical works. As a result, this lighte ning up process of the mind lasted Ion ger tha n that whe n volun teers read com mon texts, en courag ing further readi ng.

,drivi ng thes magrThe research also found that read ing poetry especially in creases activity in the right hemisphere(半球)of the brai n, an area conn ected with “ autobiographical memory

,drivi ng the

s magr

readers to think carefully about their own experie nces based on what they have read. The academics said this meant the classical works of literature are more useful tha n self-help books.

Philip Davis, an En glish professor who has worked on the study in the uni versity

resonance cen ter, announced this week: “ Classical literature acts^ltiteesialoektfte brain, which provides extra power for the brain. You may never imagine how powerful it is. The





research shows such kind of literature can create new thoughts and connections in the young and the old. ”

The un derl ined word “ trigger ” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

depe nds on

picks up

sets off

cha nges into

Which of the following is NOT true about reading classical literature?

It makes readers ' brain more active tha n reading com mon texts.

It makes readers ' electrical activity of brain return to no rmal.

It ' s hfeilpfor readers to come up with new ideas.

It ' s an activity that is suitable for people of all ages.

From the research, we can lear n that .

the readers prefer Shakespeare ' s works to the other writers ' works

the words of classical works make it hard for volun teers to read further

readi ng classical works produces a good and Ion g-lasti ng effect on the mind

poetry in creases left-brain activity more tha n other literary forms

What does the author mainly tell us in this passage?

Shakespeare plass deserve to be read.

Com mon books are un popular anymore.

Poetry is best for developing people ' s brain.

Classical works help the brain develop better.

Do pare nts have a con stituti onal right to homeschool their childre n? No, accord ing to a Califor nia District Court judge, who recen tly ruled that a child must be schooled "by a pers on holdi ng a valid state teachi ng crede ntial (文凭)for the grade being ta ught ”.

What started as a Los An geles County child welfare case in volvi ng one specific family has gone into proceedings (诉讼)that have actually put on trial the very nature of what constitutes a sound education. “ For decades we ' ve been happily lirameniclhlhen this comes up sudde nly, ” says Mary Griffith, a homeschooli ng pare nt. Griffith says Califor nia had traditi on ally

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give n homeschooli ng pare nts the freedom to choose the ki nd of educatio n they want for their


This particular family in Los Angeles had enrolled their children in a private school

in depe ndent study program not in their home. In resp onse to abuse charges aga inst the family, the

children were enrolled in public schools. The parents stated they had a constitutional right to homeschool on religious grounds; that's when the court ruling was issued. However, Griffith says if the ruli ng ends up affect ing anyon e, it will mainly be those who also en roll their childre n in off- site homeschooli ng. “ This won 'trbecfhrng for homeschooli ng pare nts."

That's how orga ni zati ons like the Homeschool Associati on of California (HSC) would like to

keep it, any way, and they've hired a team of lawyers to limit the impact of the case. Griffith says

the legal team for HSC is tryi ng to establish that while this ruli ng may in deed be n ecessary for this particular family, it should not set a precedent( 先例)for all.

What does this case really mean for homeschooli ng families n ati on wide? Accord ing to Darren

Jon es, this decisi on is certa in to affect homeschooli ng on a n ati onal scale. Jones claims that it is

com mon for state courts to look to other states ' ruli ngs for assista nee in decid ing issues where no

precede nt exists. “ A poor legal decisi on in Califor nia could become part of a trend aceoss th

n atio n. ''

1.In Griffith ' s opinion, .

parents don ' t have a right to homeschool their children

a child must be schooled by an expert with a crede ntial

homeschooli ng should be forbidde n in the whole country

it is un dersta ndable for pare nts to homeschool their childre n

The underlined word “ this ” in Para. 2 refers to the fact that.

pare nts happily homeschool their childre n

parents don ' t have a right to homeschool their children

a child must be schooled by a pers on with a teach ing crede ntial

a Los An geles County child welfare case in volves a special family

Why were the particular family ' s children enrolled in public schools?

To avoid the abuse charges aga inst them.

To receive the better educati on in it.

To break away from their pare nts.

To cooperate with the expert ' s jobs.

What ' s the author ' s attitude towards whether parents have a right to homeschool their children?





6、 Summer should n't mean tak ing a break from lear ning, especially readi ng. Studies show that

most stude nts experie nee a loss of readi ng skills over the summer mon ths, but childre n who

continue to read actually gain skills. So efforts should be made during the summer to help children keep readi ng skills, practice readi ng and read for enjoyme nt.

Pare nts should remember that childre n n eed free time in the summer to relax and enjoy the

pleasures of childhood. So summer readi ng should be fun. Follow ing are a few tips to make

readi ng enjoyable for your childre n this summer:

Read aloud together with your child every day.

Make it fun by readi ng outdoors on the front steps, patio, at the beach or park. Also, let your

childre n read to you.

Set a good example!

Keep lots of reading material around the house. Turn off the TV and have each person read his

or her book, in cludi ng Mom and Dad.

Read the same book your child is readi ng and discuss it.

This is the way to develop habits of the mind and build capacity( 能力)for thought and in sight.

Let kids choose what they want to read, and don turn your noseitp at popular fiction .It will

only discourage the read ing habit.

Subscribe, in your child ' s name, to magazines.

En courage older childre n to read the n ewspaper and curre nt events magaz in es, to keep up the

readi ng habit over the summer and develop vocabulary. Ask them what they thi nk about what

they ' ve read, and listen to what they say.

Pare nts must help childre n read duri ng the summer because .

the summer holiday is too long a time for them

reading is a kind of relaxation for children

some of the reading skills may be lost if they stop reading

childre n can enjoy the pleasure of childhood

What does the un derl ined phrase "tur n your nose up at ” probably mean?

Get in terested in.

Show one ' s dislike for.

Thi nk highly of.

Lose in terest in.

3.ln Oder to build childre n's capacity for thought and in sight, pare nts should .

subscribe to magazines in the child ' s name

read the same book the child is read ing and discuss it

let childre n choose what they want to read

turn off the TV

4.What does the passage mainly tell about?

Some summer readi ng tips for pare nts.

Some useful advice on readi ng for childre n.

What kinds of books to read in summer.

How to teach childre n to read.

7、 Have you got the in formatio n taught by your teacher in class? Have you un derstood what

you saw on the scree n? Maybe every one has their own lear ning style.

Gen erally speak ing, we gather in formati on with our minds and bodies in differe nt ways, such as seeing, hearing and doing. Then our brains deals with that information, organizing it and connecting it to things we are already aware of. In other words, our brains will deal with the in formatio n in differe nt ways. Sometimes we thi nk in pictures or words. Sometimes we remember details or the big pictures.

For differe nt people, their lear ning styles are differe nt too. One pers on may find it hard to make out the information in written forms but easy to know it immediately in an oral description. However, ano ther pers on might find difficulties with the picture but the writte n message.

Now scie ntists say there exist seve n basic lear ning styles.

Linguistic: These people learn through listening, reading, speaking and writing.

Logical: These people learn with formula ( 公式)and principles (原理).

Visual: These people lear n by see ing what they are study ing.

Musical: These people lear n well whe n in formati on is prese nted through music.

Kin esthetic: These people lear n from moveme nt and physical activities.

In trapers on al: These people learn best by linking new in formati on directly with their own experie nces.

In terpers on al: These people lear n well by work ing with others.

Therefore, if you know what lear ning style is your stre ngth, you can bala nee your weak ness, and get a more successful lear ning experie nee.

From the passage, we know that our brains .

deal with the information in different ways

send out the information in the same way

orga nize in formati on with our bodies

gather in formati on in the same way

A visual lear ner usually lear ns .

through liste ning and speak ing

by see ing what he is lear ning

from moveme nt and physical activities

by linking new information with his experience

A musical lear ner will find it easy to lear n .

with formulas and prin ciples

by work ing with others

through reading and writing

through music he hears

The purpose of the passage is to tell us to .





learn more successfully

gather more in formati on

un dersta nd more quickly

excha nge in formati on better

8、 In 2015 a paper published in a scie nee magaz ine reported on the pers on ality types of people

living in various London districts. Extroverts ( 夕卜向的),the researchers who wrote it had discovered, favored Richm ond. Those who were most ope n to experie nee gathered in Hack ney. People in Barnet scored lower tha n average on emoti onal stability.

What this study did not address was whether some one ' s home range reflects their pers on ality

traits or imposes them .In other words, is what is going on “ n atu培育 ”? Howev^ rture ” (

in a piece of research just published, Dr. Holtma nn of Otago Uni versity, in New Zeala nd, and his colleagues have filled that gap — at least, they have filled it for dunn ocks.

The dunnock is a Europea n bird. It has, though, bee n in troduced to New Zeala nd and its

population has boomed there. It is a well-studied species, and, in particular, some being measurably bolder (更大胆的 )and more tolerant of potential threats, such as nearby human beings, than others. The team ' s research area was the Botanic Garden in Dunedin. This is open to

the public, but some areas are more freque nted by visitors tha n others. Dunno cks have small territories, so it was possible to measure the amount of human disturbance in a given territory with reas on able precisi on. And, by wrapp ing each of the dunno cks in the garde n with colour-coded bands it was possible to identify individuals by sight. Altogether, the researchers lo

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