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时间:2024-04-29 07:15:38 来源:爱作文网  爱作文网手机站


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Traffic In The City

With the development of economy ,traffic is becoming one of the greatest problems of a modern city.

One problem is pollution .The waste gases from the exhaust pipes are great enemies to the air. And there are so many cars and buses in the city that the harm they cause to the environment is considerable. Another problem is crowdedness .City inhabitants are so familiar with traffic jams that they are part of their lives. Time wasted on traffic and people are made impatient by the awful traffic. Worse than that ,traffic accidents are real-life disasters of blood and death .Traffic has become one of the nightmares of people living in cities.

To build highways and bridges only works out part of the problem .Cars and buses should be improved to give less waste gases. Government should encourage citizens to take buses so that there is less traffic on road. People should obey traffic rules and try not to make trouble on road. City area should be expanded so that there is more space for wide roads. Maybe low-pollution high-efficiency means of tra


ffic should be invented .Only after we pay enough attention to the problem will it be possible for us to solve it .



Nowadays ,more and more people prefer to work abroad rather than work at home According to statistics.since 1980, nearly two-thirds of the 1 million people who study overseas did not return home..Because they hold that there may have more possibilities to find a better job and earn more money overseas .But others still believed that at home is better than overseas ,because there have many relationships for you ,which may make it easier for you to find a cozy job .However ,I have another reason for working at home ,I think that it is also convenient for us to look after our family numbers ,because the reason why we want to find a better job is not only making a great living condition for our own but also bring comfort to our family numbers ,and with the rapid development of international trade ,more and more ideal jobs are waiting for us ,so I prefer to work at home.


Our Future

Nobody know what will happen in the future. And predicting the future is difficult.

In the future I think people will have robots in their homes. There are already robots working in factories. And new robots will have many different shaps. People won’t usu money. Everything will be free. Many people will keep many different pets, like snakes or spiders .Kids won’t go to school they will study at home on computer. Books will only be on computers.,not on paper.There will be more computers and more free time. And people will live to be 200 years. In the world,there will be more people and more cars. Maybe there will be less pollution and moretress.The world will be more beautiful.

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