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时间:2024-05-18 08:02:48 来源:爱作文网  爱作文网手机站




摘 要


目 录


第一章 认识艺术创作的重要性 第二章 古老的艺术创作

第三章 艺术创作在宗教领域的作用 第四章 艺术创作在当代 参考文献 鸣谢

序 言


第一章 认识艺术创作的重要性

“世界上没有艺术,人类只剩余存活问题。”英国雕塑大师托尼?克拉格(Tony Cragg)这样说到。看来,乘着人类文明大船的我们早已离不开艺术。


我们至始至终都很难给艺术一个明确的定义,艺术也着实扮演着一个宽容的角色。美和愉悦可能是它留给世人的最普遍的印象了,不同时间,不同地域,艺术的传达又有不同的味道。它既可以描绘外在的世界,又可以传达内心的情感;有时,会关注社会宏观领域,有时又贴近细微的生活,它看上去总是可有可无,但是在某些特定的文化领域,就像艺术本身的收藏价值和经济价值,同时又装点着我们的生活,在有些时候艺术还可以进行一定范围内的心理治疗等等。在这些方面,艺术往往可以完成其他领域很难达到的目标。同时,艺术又是人、社会与国家的一扇窗子,透过窗子,我们可以了解它的历史背景,洞察不同世界的文化价值观。当然,艺术还在历史文化探究方面,发挥着不能忽视的作用。 “在某种程度上说,任何艺术形式都是特定社会所特有的,它有助于增强那个社会的凝聚力和团结。”1

第二章 古老的艺术创作








一、 艺术对商业区域的作用

艺术应该为城市生活以及其居民的健康做出积极的贡献。它应该给予公众一些正面的益处—— 快乐 、怡人 、想象 、高兴 、社交 、总之,一种社会公益” 。 应具备以下特点:

1. 创造出愉悦感,快乐以及对城市生活的惊叹。

2. 通过对传奇,寓言神通过对传奇,寓言神通过对传奇,寓言神话或历史的吸收,以及通过创造可被人控制话或历史的吸收,以及通过创造可 被人控制话或历史的吸收,以及通过创造可被人控制以坐在上面或从下穿过的形式,激发人们玩心创造力和想象。

3. 通过接触和交流。醒目而且近道路的雕塑或喷泉吸引行人停下来,甚至通过接触和交流。醒目而且近道路的雕塑或喷泉吸引行人停下来,甚至通过接触和交流。醒目而且近道路的雕塑或喷泉吸引行人停下来甚至可能坐在附近或引发交谈。

4. 在艺术作品内部或附近添加可以让人歇坐倚靠的台阶,凸栏杆。在艺术作品内部或附近添加可以让人歇坐倚靠的台阶,凸栏杆。在艺术作品内部或附近添加可以让人歇坐倚靠的台阶,凸栏杆,体验感觉

5. 促进人际接触,并将视为演员而不是观众。劳伦斯·哈尔普林设计俄勒 促进人际接触,并将视为演员而不是观众。














1. 独生子女这一代人对我们社会的影响

The Soicial Influence of the Only Child Generation

The majority of Chinese families now have only one child since the one-child policy has been in place. In the next couple decades, the “only children” generation will become the elite of our society. No one knows how much he or she will change the world.

The "only child" generation is coming of age, as they become parents, according to a recent survey. The young parents tend to be better prepared for fostering their children's growth than older generations, despite previously having been criticized as "little emperors and queens" during their childhood.

Differences are obvious in many aspects between only-child parents and non-only-child parents. Many only-child parents prefer a career when ask to choose between a career or children. The figure is more than that of non-only-child parents. The only-child-turned parents put more emphasis on themselves than non-only-child parents, and are more dependent. More only-child parents live with their parents compared with non-only-child parents. In addition, only-child parents put more emphasis on educating their children on values, manners and social conduct.

Not many years ago it was common for people to assume that an only child was sure to be hopelessly selfish and spoiled. But above all, we see that the only children have the positive role for social development.

2. 什么是理想的大学本科教育

What is the Ideal Undergraduate Education?

What is the purpose of ideal undergraduate education? Is it to prepare students for a career, or something more? In my opinion, it is not enough to merely teach undergraduates the specialized skills needed to do a particular job, rather, students need “a large vision”, using the knowledge they have acquired to discover patterns, form values, and advance the common good. They need to become familiar with issues far beyond the simple concerns of a narrow academic field and gain an appreciation of the values and philosophy of their own culture as well as the issues shaping nations far from the university campus.

In addition to learning specialized facts and skills, students should examine larger issues of right and wrong, so that each student may develop the intellectual sophistication required to make wise decision for themselves and their society.

The goal of ideal undergraduate education is not to indoctrinate students, but to set them free in the world of ideas and provide a climate in which ethical and moral choices can be thoughtfully examined, and convictions formed. In short, th


e ideal undergraduate experience at its best will move the student from competence to commitment.

3. 汽车和环境恶化

Cars and Environmental Degradation

Being like other West Countries, cars begin to be very popular in our country.

Certainly, the fast increase in the number of cars has brought many environmental degradation problems. With the ever growing number of cars, air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day. When the car is flooding, the waste gas will be exhausted everywhere, so that the air we are living in will be polluted seriously and people’s health is greatly endangered. We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be a real luxury. It seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only be remedied by bring down the number of cars.

We cannot deny the fact that cars have brought us speed and comfort, however, we are suffering much more from cars. Our health conditions are going down rapidly due to the polluted air that we have to breathe every second.

What can we do? I think the only way we can do now is to discourage people to use cars. I know that science and technology are also developing very fast and there might be better solutions coming up in the future, but, before that, let’s first salvage ourselves in such a passive way.

4. 电脑和我的生活

Computer and My Life

With the rapid development of China's information technology, more and more people are using computers. Of course, in my daily life, I also need a computer.

The computer plays an important role in my daily life. First, the computer can help me to search the latest various learning materials. I can search them quickly that I cannot find in the library through the computer. In this way, the computer helps me to save a lot of time and broaden my knowledge about the world, such as science, medicine, arts and so on. Second, the computer can help me to store a lot of important and useful information. When I need to read them, I just boot the computer to click them. Third, the computer can eich my daily life. I can use computer to go online. On the internet, I can chat with friends, send e-mails, play games, watch films and read some latest big news, etc.

In short, I need a computer. Without computer, I will feel very bored and will encounter a lot of difficulties in study. Therefore, the computer is an essential instrument in my daily life. If I do not have a computer, I cannot imagine what my life is like.

5. 什么是幸福生活

What is happiness?

“Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence. It proclaims happiness is one of the essential rights that make life worth living.

What is happiness? Happiness is the most precious thing in the world, which can be obtained in different ways. Some people are wealthy, they think they are happy. Other people have many friends, so they feel happy. Still others are happy because they have good health. For children, happiness often suggests eating something good or playing with toys, and for a scientist, a discovery or an invention rather than

anything else gives him the greatest satisfaction. Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues!

As everything exists only because its opposite, happiness exists only when pain exists. Just as a person who does not know failure never knows success, a person, who has not experienced suffering or sadness never knows what happiness means.

Happiness always promises a hope by which people go on living. When they come to the point of losing hope, it is often the time when happiness comes that will give them the courage and desire to live.

Cheer up and be happy. Happiness is just around you. Try to grasp it and enjoy it.

推荐访问:作文 英语 价值 艺术 社会 艺术与生活英语作文 艺术在我眼中的价值 回报社会的英语作文




