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时间:2024-05-04 23:08:27 来源:爱作文网  爱作文网手机站



摘要:本文从艺术角度论述了英文写作中的技巧,并通过一些具体实例说明了必要的艺术手段在英语写作中的重要性。具备必要的文字功底是英文写作的一个重要前提,但是只有当扎实的文字功底和艺术手段巧妙地结合在一起,才有可能产生出优秀的作品。 关键词:写作;艺术;应用

【中图分类号】g42 【文献标识码】a 【文章编号】 要想写出一篇好的文章,除了要具备一定的语法、词汇知识外,还有许多其他重要的因素。从某种意义上讲,写作是一门艺术,特别是英文写作,只具备翻译能力是远远不够的。


艺术的种类形形色色。这里我们仅涉及与写作(或称创作)有关的艺术。总的来说,对于写作上的艺术可以这样理解:艺术就应是情理之中意料之外。每当我们对一本书或一篇文章评价很高时,往往我们所读的内容都是合乎情理的事情,或者说都是我们所熟悉或曾亲身感受过的事情。所以英文写作首先要注意的是:写实。 然而对初学英语的人来讲,写实的文章也经常给人一种空洞感,特别是中国学生在进行英文写作时往往充满了opinion sentences(观点句),缺少的是support sentences(论证句),比如,当描写一个女孩时,多数中职学生可能这样写:

the girl is ugly.i dislike her.i don’t think she will become a famous actress.



所谓应用艺术手段,就是如何使读者认为你的文章合情合理,但却是意料之外。例如,我们可以用英语表示一个人起得早,“she got up early”.如果某一文章的开头这样写,当然语法上没有错,但毕竟“起得早”这一动作不能给读者太深的印象,因为“起得早”并不是一件惊心动魄的事,而且“她”又是一个代同,可以代替每一个女性。所以句子很平淡,那么如何重写这个句子呢?我们可以这样处理:

首先,把“她”具体化,比如可以说成是一个老太太,然后再把“起得早”特殊化,可以说那天这位老太太比往日起得还要早,那么这个英文句子就变成“the old lady got up earlier than usual”.这样就会给读者留下一个“凡事不凡”的印象,从而会使读者或许有可能自我发问“老太太今天怎么起得这么早? 她要去干什么?”等一系列问题,引起读者的兴趣,想继续读下去。

那么接下来应如何展开故事情节呢?可能有些初学写作的人接下去是这样写的:“after getting up,she washed her face,brushed her teeth and then went to the kitchen to prepare her



既然开头句已给读者留下了好奇的印象,接下去就是如何发展这一故事,比如我们可以告诉读者老太太比往日起得早的原因。当然人们起得早的原因也大不相同。那么我们选择什么原因为好呢?还是要把握住“情理之中、意料之外”这一艺术的灵魂,比如我们可以这样发展情节:“she had been longing for her birthday


那么老太太的生日礼品是什么呢?在通常情况下,人们过生日可以收到种种不同的礼物,例如:生日贺卡、生日蛋糕或是更豪华的礼品等。因此很有可能写作的人这样写下去:“what she expected maybe a birthday cake,or an expensive necklace...”.上面的写作虽然没有语言知识方面的错误,但却给人一种意料之中的感觉,因为读者所预料的生日礼品,正好是作者要陈述的那些礼品,让人们读起来觉得平淡乏味。那么要怎样接下去呢?我们不妨作一下这样的尝试:“what she expected may not be a birthday cake,

or an expensive necklace?”.这样写仅比原来的句子多了一个not,但却能使读者感到意外。为什么老太太这么好的礼物都不想要呢?她到底想要什么?这一连串的带有好奇色彩的问题就可能会在读者的头脑中一涌而出,仅仅一个否定词就会使文章的感染力起到了极大变化。当然,如果让一个中职学生将一个肯定的英语句子改写成一个否定句无疑是一个简单的要求。但在平时写作时,中职学生往往想不到上例中“not”的巧妙使用。


接下来,我们可以这样接下去写:“because a11 her children had never visited her since her husband died”.这样写不仅讲出了老太太不需要生日礼品的原因,而且还能使读者对老太太产生同情感。因为老太太是一人独居,进而文章也能暗指:老太太过生日那天起得很早,盼望的不是物质方面的生日礼品,而是精神上的生日礼品,或许是她的全部孩子的到来。虽然句中并没有具体写出老太太所盼望的生日礼品,却能使读者对未知的生日礼品更感兴趣,这就是运用艺术手段所带来的效果。







1 艺术在社会中的作用


Art is usually a criticism of the world as it is and a vision of the world as it might be. A characteristic of good art is that it engages individuals in a very deep and personal way, and in ways that may not be shared by every member of a group. The purpose of art is to find a


way to wake people up who are going through their lives sleepwalking and s(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)ay: “Stop it. You can't walk past this. This is your life.” Artists have to be able to function in society and say there are basic human values that must be, that cannot be shortchanged, or else we won't have a society. Art is an invitation to become part of something that is larger than us. The arts are connected to being a grown-up. In order to be a grown-up, one has to be able to envision other lives as real, other possibilities as real. When we don't have the arts, a very important part of us begins to starve and our humanity begins to dwindle.

2 艺术的重要性以及价值


Art is a link to the past. It provides an enjoyable perspective from which to examine history. Art helps people to understand and empathize with the living conditions people have endured at various times and places. Art encourages imagination. It shows people how they might express their own feelings and experiences through painting and drawing. Art provides people an opportunity to create and do, which can be a refreshing break from studying. Art teaches people how to interpret different forms of communication. It teaches


them to understand figurative things like symbolism, metaphor, and the meanings of color. Art improves academic achievement. Evidence suggests that people who actively participate in some form of art — whether it be painting, acting, music, etc — perform better in other subjects than others who don't participate in art.

3 贝多芬的例子作为论据来说明艺术家们对社会的贡献和价值 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), German composer, considered one of the greatest musicians of all time. Having begun his career as an outstanding improviser at the piano and composer of piano music, Beethoven went on to compose string quartets and other kinds of chamber music, songs, two masses, an opera, and nine symphonies. His

Symphony No. 9 in D minor op. 125 (Choral, completed 1824), perhaps the most famous work of classical music in existence, culminates in a choral finale based on the poem “Ode to Joy” by German writer Friedrich von Schiller. Like his opera Fidelio, op. 72 (1805; revised 1806, 1814) and many other works, the Ninth Symphony depicts an initial struggle with adversity and concludes with an uplifting vision of freedom and social harmony.





As the 21st cenury begins,we Chinese are making grent efferss to conttributc to a harmomious society

In school,students gain knowledge by drefferac kind of meams and obey the school rules so as to make a harmonious shool In workplace,coworkers behave policely and communicate frieudly so as to make a harmonious office.At home,families spare more time together,educating future generation and supporting preceding generation so as to make a harmonious family.Everyone is try their best.

As far as I’mconcerned,completing thepublic ritue is the first thing that we should fulfill in order to build a harmonious society.Then we should do what we ought to do,just like a saying goes like that,”Yougonna do what you gonna do.”Finally,conscientiously presering the public rules.

Wecollege students are supposed to cherish our time to study and do more voluntary work to eich our life and broaden our horizon.What’s more,a well-educated undergraduate is exactly who our country is dying for to build the harmouious society.

推荐访问:作文 英语 重要性 艺术 艺术是重要的英语作文 艺术的重要性英文翻译




