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时间:2024-05-20 00:15:34 来源:爱作文网  爱作文网手机站















0415/4bc6a4c306748.shtml" target="_blank" title="遥想2010年世博会">遥想2010年世博会畅想世博:文明学生、文明路人为世博出一份力迎世博,从我做起走进世博会迎世博,上海更美丽文明市民迎世博期待世博上海之旅我眼中的世博:城市最佳实践区">世博会英语作文:城市最佳实践区城市让生活更美好世博会英语作文:魅力上海,闪耀世博我与世博同行世博会英语作文:如何成为一个可爱的上海人?上海世博会感想世博会英语作文:2010年我的世博会建设我们的世博会魅力上海,身边的世博会我与世博在一起在迎接世博会的日子里我们的上海世博会我与世博会我身边的变化在迎接世博会的日子里迎接世博,你我共创世博会








监护水源,节约用水 ,拧紧水龙头,不要长时间淋浴。






造纸工业是一个产量大、用水多、污染严重的轻工业;废气、固体废弃物及噪声等污染相当严重。造纸工业的废水若未经有效处理而排入江河中,废水中的有机物质发酵、氧化、分解,消耗水的是氧气,使鱼类、贝类等水生生物缺氧致死;严重威胁沿岸居民的身体健康, 污染地面水和地下水源,不利于农田灌溉和人畜饮水。但若及时回收也可以变废为宝,就能减少对环境的危害。







To Protect the Environment——Better City Better Life

------It's everyone's responsibility

When fresh and clear air takes the place of the dusty dirty air, and the dark gloomy grey fades and bright blue appears in the whole sky, every different city has its own vivid style. Parkways, garden-communities and garden-units show the city's spirit. And all these are so harmonious and pleasant that people's quality of life promoted accordingly, at the same time, people would also be tender and more polite.

Every city should develop its own advantages well which based on its ecology. How to protect and use the nature resource reasonably is our duty. We human being, as an advanced intelligent animal, should realize this clearly that we have only one globe, so we have to be responsible for our own habitat, to take care of it rather than destroy it. Living in the cities, we must make greater efforts to make it better. As the benefits from protecting do not simply go to the environment itself, but also go to ourselves and our offsprings. Even the slightest change of the environment is closely related to our quality of life. We depend on it, and acquire whatever we need from it. Without the basic materials, we can't live. So only by being its reasonable user and protector can our human live and procreate. If we keep on exploiting it excessively, then, without exception, we ourselves will certainly die out. So, do whatever you can to protect it, it will reward you!

Water is our prerequisite material. But the precious resource that we can use is so limited that it only constitutes 0.3% of the total water resource. The shortage of water and the more and more pollution of it will force us into the one-way road of death. Now, every year, 5,000,000 people die from the lack of fresh water! What can we do?

Protect the source of water, save every drop of water, never have a long shower .Make full use of water -that is, to use circulative water. Use as little detergent as possible when you can use soap. In this way, water pollution can partly be controlled. To protect the water resource is to protect ourselves! How charming the city will be if water birds are perching near the green and clean lake or river where fishes are swimming cheerfully! Never let the dirty oil float on the water!

Be more careful about the atmosphere, remember, you are breathing every second! We need the sweet air not the dusty, harmful one. Only that will be the right habitat for us if the sky is blue and clean. Ride bicycles more, drive cars less-if you have to do so, please take bus as much as possible or use no-lead petrol.

We are conscious about the worsening of ecology when energy is widely consumed. And cities will be the first victim. Save every bit of energy!

Use more reproductive energy, don't use appliances excessively. Neither let your TV in waiting state nor let your light on while you are out. Buy some energy-saving electric appliances, use air conditioner less, because ventilating your room naturally will be better for your health. And you can choose some sun-powered hot water heater if you can get enough sunshine in your city.

Papermaking industry is the major source of pollution. If the waste water from

papermaking factories is not properly treated before it is poured into the rivers, neither aquatic plants and animals nor human beings can survive. The wastewater will pollute river and underground-water that is essential for crops and human. But if the wastewater can be recycled and treated properly, the bad effects will diminish. Please use paper frugally, use more recycled paper, print on both sides of the paper. In so doing, you are protecting the forest and rivers! Just meet or call your friends to maintain your friendship instead of sending them cards.

You can do many things to protect our environment in this way. Don't hesitate to act, that's our own business! Better city better life. We are actually protecting ourselves while we are protecting environment.

Everybody should take the responsibility.







监护水源,节约用水 ,拧紧水龙头,不要长时间淋浴。










To Protect the Environment——Better City Better Life

------It's everyone's responsibility

When fresh and clear air takes the place of the dusty dirty air, and the dark gloomy grey fades and bright blue appears in the whole sky, every different city has its own vivid style. Parkways, garden-communities and garden-units show the city's spirit. And all these are so harmonious and pleasant that people's quality of life promoted accordingly, at the same time, people would also be tender and more polite.

Every city should develop its own advantages well which based on its ecology. How to protect and use the nature resource reasonably is our duty. We human being, as an advanced intelligent animal, should realize this clearly that we have only one globe, so we have to be responsible for our own habitat, to take care of it rather than destroy it. Living in the cities, we must make greater efforts to make it better. As the benefits from protecting do not simply go to the environment itself, but also go to ourselves and our offsprings. Even the slightest change of the environment is closely related to our quality of life. We depend on it, and acquire whatever we need from it. Without the basic

materials, we can't live. So only by being its reasonable user and protector can our human live and procreate. If we keep on exploiting it excessively, then, without exception, we ourselves will certainly die out. So, do whatever you can to protect it, it will reward you!

Water is our prerequisite material. But the precious resource that we can use is so limited that it only constitutes 0.3% of the total water resource. The shortage of water and the more and more pollution of it will force us into the one-way road of death. Now, every year, 5,000,000 people die from the lack of fresh water! What can we do?

Protect the source of water, save every drop of water, never have a long shower .Make full use of water -that is, to use circulative water. Use as little detergent as possible when you can use soap. In this way, water pollution can partly be controlled. To protect the water resource is to protect

ourselves! How charming the city will be if water birds are perching near the green and clean lake or river where fishes are swimming cheerfully! Never let the dirty oil float on the water!

Be more careful about the atmosphere, remember, you are breathing every second! We need the sweet air not the dusty, harmful one. Only that will be the right habitat for us if the sky is blue and clean. Ride bicycles more, drive cars less-if you have to do so, please take bus as much as possible or use no-lead petrol.

We are conscious about the worsening of ecology when energy is widely consumed. And cities will be the first victim. Save every bit of energy!

Use more reproductive energy, don't use appliances excessively. Neither let your TV in waiting state nor let your light on while you are out. Buy some energy-saving electric appliances, use air conditioner less, because ventilating your room naturally will be better for your health. And you can choose some sun-powered hot water heater if you can get enough sunshine in your city.

Papermaking industry is the major source of pollution. If the waste water from papermaking factories is not properly treated before it is poured into the rivers, neither aquatic plants and animals nor human beings can survive. The wastewater will pollute river and underground-water that is essential for crops and human. But if the wastewater can be recycled and treated properly, the bad effects will diminish.

Please use paper frugally, use more recycled paper, print on both sides of the paper. In so doing, you are protecting the forest and rivers! Just meet or call your friends to maintain your friendship instead of sending them cards.

You can do many things to protect our environment in this way. Don't hesitate to act, that's our own business! Better city better life. We are actually protecting ourselves while we are protecting environment.



城市让生活更美好作文800字 当鸟儿飞过后不留一丝痕迹,只是因为它对这片蓝天没有丝毫的眷恋,当鱼儿的眼泪被海水埋没的时候,只是因为它的生命距离死亡已经没有多久了,当小鹿奋力逃出森林的时候,只是因为它失去了赖以生存的家园。而人类,只有地球??













推荐访问:生活 作文 热点话题 关于世博会的作文 城市让生活更美好_1200字




