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论文关键词:成语独特性 教学方法 语义融合力


1 汉语成语的确定及其范围
成语是汉语中特有的短语,是具有特定内涵的约定俗成的语言。对于它的界定,至今学术界仍众说纷纭,尚无明确定论。主要分歧在于成语和惯用语之间的划定。刘叔新先生认为凭借“表意的双层性”可以区分成语和惯用语,并认为 “穿小鞋”、 “碰一鼻子灰”和“三长两短” 、“七上八下”、“甚嚣尘上”等都具有成语的资格。而目前国内有学者则认为它们属于惯用语范畴,周荐认为,“穿小鞋”等之类常被人们视为惯用语的单位实际上应属于词,而“三长两短”、“七上八下”、“碰一鼻子灰”等俗语单位为惯用语。

2 成语是汉语的独特的组成部分
第二,成语用它强烈的情感、价值观和鲜明的形象感向人们传递细腻而准确的信息。成语中有褒有贬,扬善抑恶的价值取向十分明显。有些抽象的感情、概念,用语言很难描绘,但一个普普通通的成语,就可以把人的感受完整而准确的表达出来,这是成语特有的魅力。比如“哀声叹气、哀哀欲绝、哀思如潮”就把人悲痛的感觉栩栩如生的描绘出来; “目中无人、昂首向天、昂首阔步”就把一个人的骄傲自大活灵活现的刻画了出来;“三顾茅庐”表达了刘备的求贤若渴;“鞠躬尽瘁”表达了诸葛亮为国操劳的精神。仁、义、礼、智、信等这些具有重要内涵的概念,在成语中都有形象和生动的表述。成语是包罗万象的,任何事物都有相应的成语准确的表达出来。

3 汉语成语产生的原因

4 对汉语成语教学方法的一点新建议



汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法

【摘 要】 汉语成语承载着中华五千年的文化特色和文化信息.而翻译并非只是两种语言之间的一种简单的对应转换过程,而是一种文化的交流和传递。
【关键词】 汉语成语,英语习语,翻译,文化内涵,源语,目标语
[Abstract] Chinese idioms bear five thousand years of Chinese cultural characteristic and the cultural messages. Translation is not only one kind of simple correspondence switching process between two languages, but is one kind of cultural exchange and transmission.
Therefore, translating Chinese idioms into English is a concrete operating process. First, the translators must fully understand the intrinsic meaning of the Chinese idioms; second, they should utilize several different translation methods nimbly and contrasts the similarities and differences between the English idioms and Chinese idioms; third, they should carry on the suitable structure adjustment and translate Chinese idioms which bear cultural characteristic and cultural information in maximum limit for the foreign readers. Helping the foreign readers eliminate and reduce language and cultural barrier requests the translator to work diligently to translate the form of Chinese idiom in the way that the foreign readers are glad to accept. At the same time, this is a very big challenge to reappear Chinese culture in English.
To understand and translate Chinese idioms into English,it is very important for the translators to master and well acquaint themselves with the original language and the target language and their cultures. They should set out from the aspects of customs and cultural backgrounds and try to grasp the connotation of the original idiom by understanding linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese so as to make his version alike the original text in spirit. This article introduced several methods on translation of Chinese idioms concisely.
[Key Words] Chinese idioms;English idioms;translation;culture connotation;original language;target language
1. Introduction
About translation, the translation theoreticians have proposed many different viewpoints. In China, the most popular theory is Mr.Yanfu’s “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance(信,达,雅)”while in the western countries, the most popular one is “equivalent value, equivalent effect and function equivalence(等值,等效,功能对等) ”.These viewpoints are mutually influenced and supplemented. Although the translators have different emphasis points, they all advocate that the translation must express the connotation of the original text faithfully and the style of the original work should reappear in translation. “所谓忠实表达原文的意义,应指忠实表达原文的字面意义,形象意义,隐含意义三个方面。”[1] p65(So-called “expressing the indication of the original text faithfully”, is to express the wording meaning, the image meaning and the implied meaning of the original text faithfully.) But not all expressions, words, even characters in the original text simultaneously have these three kinds of meanings. Maybe some of them only have the wording meaning, but without the image meaning; some may have the wording meaning and the image meaning, but lack of the implied meaning. Any two languages are impossible to be all coordinated completely. Therefore, it is impossible to completely reproduce the three kinds of meanings of the original text. First, because the cultural differences produce the contradiction in the translation process, the wording meaning or the image meaning must obey the implied meaning. Second, the image meaning of the original text cannot be found in the target language. Sometimes the images are the same but the implied meanings are actually different. In this situation, what the translators need to consider first is the accurate expression of the implied meaning. The images of the original text should be changed into other images that the foreign readers are familiar with.
2. Several methods of Chinese idiom translation
The existence of cultural differences brings certain difficulties to the cultural exchange. It is also the biggest barrier in the translation. When the transla 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法tors translate one language to another, besides understanding the writing of these two languages thoroughly, the translators also have to understand the cultural differences between these two languages profoundly.
In Chinese “Idioms” means that “成语:人们长期以来习用的,简洁精辟的定型词组或短句。汉语的成语大多由四个字组成,一般都有出处。有些成语从字面上不难理解,如‘小题大做’,‘后来居上’等。有些成语必须知道来源或典故才能懂得意思,如‘朝三暮四’,‘杯弓蛇影’等。”[2] P 130(Since long ago the people have used habitually, concise and succinct words or short phrases. Most Chinese idioms are composed by four characters, generally all of which have the source. The meanings of Some idioms are available from the word writing, such as: ‘小题大做’and ‘后来居上’; The meaning of some idioms should be got from its source or allusion. Such as ‘朝三暮四’ and ‘杯弓蛇影’.) On Chinese idiom translation, culture has a great influence on the translators" logical thinking and the glossary choice of the language.
The semantics of idiom has the integrity. Usually we cannot get its significance from a single character. If many Chinese idioms were translated into(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网:中文成语) English directly according to the wording meaning, although the foreign readers can understand the meaning of each character, they still have difficulties in understanding the overall significance of this idiom.
2.1 Metaphrase
Metaphrase is a method that the image and the forms of the original text are preserved, which can be translated literally. The readers also can catch the implied meaning by the wording translation. Some Chinese idioms have similar images, which the foreign readers can associate to the equivalent English idioms.
2.1.1 Literal Translation
In idiom translation, there is a tendency to find English equivalent idioms, equivalent in referential meaning rather than in the images. The reason is that the target text must be idiomatically English. Therefore, literal translation of Chinese idioms is often considered non-idiomatic. As long as the translation conveys a vivid image and the referential meaning is not distorted, literal translation can introduce Chinese culture to the world. Literal translation is a way by which the rhetoric, national and regional characteristics are kept in the target language. In this way the meaning and the form of the source language are unchanged.
Some Chinese idioms can be translated literally with the same vivid figurative result of the original ones, which can make the foreign readers associate to the equivalent English idioms.
For example:
⑴对牛弹琴 —— To play the lute to a cow. The readers can associate it to the equivalent English idiom “to cast pearls before swine”.
⑵竭泽而渔 —— To drain a pond to catch all the fish (the equivalent idiom: To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.)
⑶易如反掌 —— To be as easy as turning over one’s hand (the equivalent one: As easy as falling off a log.)
⑷口蜜腹剑 —— To be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted(the equivalent one: A Judas kiss)
Though there are not equivalent English idioms, some Chinese idioms with the literal meanings can also be translated literally with the accurate images. Such as:
⑸井底之蛙 —— To be like a frog at the bottom of a well
⑹史无前例 —— To be without precedent in history
⑺七嘴八舌 —— With seven mouths and eight tongues Regarding Chinese idioms translation, what many translation books discussed mainly was the replacement technique. Sometimes, equivalent translations can be found, but mostly only similar ones. Usually the replacement technique is necessary in the following situations.
(ⅰ) Chinese idioms have same meanings and culture messages as those in the target language.
There are many Chinese and English idioms, which have the same images as well as the expression forms.
⑴In Chinese, “浑水摸鱼” means “[释义]浑水:浑浊的水。指在浑浊的水中摸鱼。[用法]比喻趁混乱的时机捞取不正当的利益,也作‘混水摸鱼’。”[3]P259 But the English idiom “to fish in troubled water” means “take advantage of troubled or uncertain condition for personal profit”. These two idioms are similar in both expression form and intrinsic meaning.
The similar idioms are as follows:
⑵赴汤蹈火 —— Go through fire and water
⑶随波逐流 —— To go with the tide
⑷知识就是力量 —— Knowledge is power.
⑸眼不见,心不烦 —— Out of sight, out of mind.
⑹谋事在人,成事在天 —— Man proposes, god disposes
⑺空中楼阁 —— Castles in the air
⑻充耳不闻 —— Turn a deaf ear to
(ⅱ) Chinese idioms share similar meanings but different culture messages and images with the target language.
&nb 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法sp; The Chinese idioms, which have same or similar vivid analogy with the English idioms, should be exchanged into the same or corresponding English idioms directly. Different languages have different images.
⑴For example: if translators translate the Chinese idiom “胸有成竹” directly into “have a bamboo in one’ s stomach” according to the wording meaning. The foreign readers not only have difficulties in getting the meaning that this idiom contained, but also have the wrong association easily. Therefore, the translators must discard the images in this idiom and change them into the images that the foreign readers are familiar with. So it may be translated as “have a card in one’s sleeve”
⑵The Chinese say “噤若寒蝉”(as mute as a winter cicada)”, yet the native English say , “as mute as a fish”. Fish and cicada have similar function in the above examples though they are not similar at all. As far as “silence” is concerned, fish is a familiar image to English speakers, yet the Chinese tend to associate the sense with winter cicada.
⑶The Chinese idiom “瓮中之鳖(the turtle in the jar)”means “[释义]瓮:大坛子;鳖:甲鱼。大坛子中的甲鱼。[用法]形容已在掌握之中,逃脱不了。”[4]P651 .But the English idiom “likes a rat in a hole”, whose image is a mouse, which is stranded in a hole. It is in an extremely difficult situation. These two scenes agree without prior consultation but happen to hold the same view. Though the translators replaced the image, the foreign readers have no difficulty to understand its meaning.
The similar Chinese idioms included:
⑷胆小如鼠 —— As timid as a rabbit
⑸挥金如土 —— Spend money like water
⑹东张西望 —— Look right and left
⑺缘木求鱼 —— Seek a hare in hen’s nest
⑻抛砖引玉 —— To throw a sprat to catch a herring
So, familiar images of the target language are often used to replace those of the source language. It is very regret that the foreign readers cannot understand the exotic atmosphere of Chinese culture.
(ⅲ) Chinese idioms share similar images but different culture messages and connotation with the target language.
Some Chinese idioms and English idioms are almost the same in the expression form, but the commendatory or derogatory meaning, which the idioms contained, is different. So they cannot be mutually translated.
“习俗文化指的是贯穿于日常社会生活和交际活动中由民族的风俗习惯形成的文化。.[5]P64”( The custom culture refers to the activities, which formed by nationality"s manners and customs in the social daily life)As a result of the custom culture differences, the translators must pay attention to the animal words in the idioms whose meanings are different. For example, in China, the people often think the dog is loathing. Therefore, most dog-related idioms include the derogatory meaning.
⑴For example, “狐朋狗友(Pack of scoundrels)”, “狼心狗肺(heartless and cruel)”and so on. But in the western nation, the dog was considered as human"s good friends. For example: “help a lame dog over a stile (雪中送炭)”, “love me, love my dog. (爱屋及乌)”and so on.
⑵For example: the Chinese idiom “笑掉大牙” includes the meaning “ridicules”. The English idiom “to laugh off one’s head” is only the expression of “laugh” or “laugh loudly”. It is a neutral word. These two idioms look very similar literally. But the commendatory and derogatory terms of two words are dissimilar. So they cannot be mutually translated.
⑶The Chinese idiom “说曹操,曹操到(when you mention CaoCao ,he soon arrives)” means “I was just talking about you!” it did not bring the derogatory meaning, but English idiom “talk of the devil and he will appear” has the derogatory meaning。
⑷If you translate “亡羊补牢” to English proverb “lock /close the stable door after /when the horse has been stolen”. The direct translation mistakes the meaning of “亡羊补牢" which means “still has not been late “! But this English proverb expressed the meaning “has already been late , beyond any help”。Therefore, 亡羊补牢can correspond to the English proverb “a stitch in time save nine” or “better late than never”
⑸In the Chinese idiom“令人发指” and the English idiom “to make one’s hair stand on end”,[6]P164 the former one means “to make the person extremely angry “,the latter one refers that “ frighten or horrify someone”. So ‘令人发指’ can be translated into “make the blood boil”.
2.2 Paraphrase
Paraphrase is a method that the original contents are preserved, but the forms are changed in the target language.
When Chinese idioms are metaphrased into the target language, readers still cannot grasp the meanings due to cultural difference. “有些习惯用语带有很浓的中国文化色彩…对于这部分成语,字面翻译是无法为外国读者所接受的。如加上许多解释性的文字,就失去了成语精粹的特点。最好的办法就是绕开其文化背景,译出其 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法真正的内涵意义。”[7]P139 (Some idioms have the Chinese culture characteristic.. Regarding this kind of idioms, the wording translation is unable for the foreign reader’s acceptance. If we add many explanations, the idiom characteristic will lose. The best method is to discard its cultural context and translate its connotation.)
Thus, paraphrase is needed to keep meanings to point and keep connotation in line with the culture in the target language, though it may fail to show the style of the original language. It is a good way to convey the connotation of Chinese idioms.
2.2.1 Negation
Mr.Ye Zinan mentions negation in 《高级汉英翻译理论与实践》. He gives the definition like this: “反面着笔法(negation)有时也称正说反译或反说正译。其基本概念是原文从一个角度下笔,译文恰恰从相反的角度下笔。” [8]P80(Sometimes negation also was called that to express positively but be translated negatively or to express positively but be translated negatively. Although the basic concept of the original text starts writing from an angle, the translation exactly starts writing from the opposite angle.).
Sometimes the translators utilize the negation technique just to form an exquisite article.
For example:
⑴“塞翁失马,焉知非福?” is a rhetorical question, but the translation is “ Danger is next neighbor to security.” which is an affirmation declarative sentence.
⑵我很高兴看见你安然无恙。——I am glad to see you safe and sound.
In Chinese, “无恙” means “haven’t got illness”, which is expressed negatively. But its translation —— “sound”, whose meaning is “健康”, is expressed positively.
“英语中有许多含有否定或半否定语气的词语,在翻译中可充分利用,以便使译文符合英语习惯,并使句子结构多样化。”[9]P60 ( There are many denial or half denial expression words and expressions in English. If they are fully used in translation, the translation will conform to the English custom and the sentence structures are more varied.)
⑶For example: “木已成舟” in Chinese is firmly a declarative sentence. But its English translation is “things done cannot be undone” which expresses the identical meaning from the denial declarative sentence angle.
⑷“不入虎穴,焉得虎子?” is a rhetorical question, whose translation is “nothing venture, nothing have”. It is an affirmation sentence.
⑸他开车的时候心不在焉,几乎闯祸。——His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.
The noun “absence” conceals the meaning of negation. It agreed with the logics of the native English readers.
Mr.Ye Zinan had added “有时采用这种方法却是译者为了行文优美的目的,不用这个反面着笔的方法译文并非不通。反面着笔的方法在实际翻译中如果用的恰到好处,常常会使译者绝处缝生,是英汉翻译中非常有用的一个技巧。”[10]P81(Sometimes the translator uses this method in order to reach a goal of forming an exquisite article. So even if they don’t use the method of negation, other translation methods still work. If the translator uses Negation properly, he will find his way out from an impasse. It is a useful skill in Chinese and English translation.)
2.2.2 Substitution
“Substitution” refers to “some Chinese idioms are abstract while the equivalent English idioms have concrete images; some Chinese idioms have concrete images but the equivalent English ones are always abstract.” Substitute abstract concept for concrete images
The Chinese idiom is quite abstract, while the English idiom is concrete. Because its vivid image may enable the reader to realize flavor.
⑴For example: “做贼心虚” may be translated that “a bad conscience is just like a snake in one " s heart”. We use “a snake in the heart” to transmit “心虚”—the afraid and guilty conscience of the thief.
⑵The correspond English idiom of “事与愿违”is “all your swans are geese”. When someone fined out all swans are ordinary geese and the disappointed facial expression is contrary to what he expects.
⑶“不知所措” corresponds the English idiom “all at sea”. Shall we try to imagine the situation that a person in the boundless sea. It is helpless.
⑷The idiom “入乡随俗” may be translated into “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” Why in Rome but not other places? But the foreign readers are very familiar with this idiom. We change “乡(village)”to “Rome” which the foreign readers are so familiar with. Certainly they can accurately understand intrinsic meaning of the Chinese idiom “入乡随俗”.
The similar idioms are as follows:
⑸青出于蓝胜于蓝 —— The pupil outdoes the master.
⑹不择手段 —— By hook and by crook
⑺不辞而别 —— To take French leave. Substitute concrete images for abstract concept
“中国人特别喜欢用具体形象词语比喻抽象的事物,以物表感,状物言志。”[11]P30(The Chinese lik 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法e using the vivid concrete words and expressions to substitute abstract things, expressing their feelings and wills by things)Some Chinese idioms use the concrete images or things to describe the abstract concepts. Therefore, in translation process, the translators should boldly discard these images and translate the connotation of them appropriately.
⑴For instance: if the translators translate “顺手牵羊” directly into “walk off with a sheep” according to the wording meaning. The foreign readers may misunderstand that the thieves in China only steal the sheep but not other things. But Chinese readers haven’t got such misunderstanding. In this idiom, “the sheep(羊)” is a concrete thing actually which refers to “others" thing perhaps the property”. It expresses an abstract concept with the concrete thing.
⑵When we translate the idiom “狗急跳墙”, we do not need to describe specifically that “how anxious the dog is (狗急)”, and “how it to jump the wall(跳墙)”. As long as we express the intrinsic meaning, the foreign readers may be clear at a glance when we translate it as “do something desperate”.
⑶Perhaps we have to have a lengthy speech when translate “明火执仗”. But the direct translation is “do evil things openly”. The foreign readers can understand its intrinsic meaning concisely.
⑷If translate “守株待兔” in a detailed way, do we have the necessity to tell the fable story which conceals this idiom in details? Even we told this story; the foreign readers also cannot realize the implication, which this idiom contains. If we translate it directly likes this: “trust to the chance and stroke of luck”. The foreign readers may understand the implication easily. The only regret thing is that it lacks the Chinese characteristic.
Because the native English readers can’t accept the figurative images of some Chinese idioms, we should translate these idioms flexibly according to their actual meanings.
⑸For example, if we translate the idiom“眉飞色舞”into “his eyebrows are flying and his countenance is dancing”, the native readers will not only feel confused and puzzled, they will also think it funny and ridiculous.
More similar idioms are:
⑹粗枝大叶 —— To be crude and careless. (Dead translation: with big branches and large leaves)
⑺灯红酒绿 —— Dissipated and luxurious. (Dead translation: with red lights and green wine)
⑻开门见山 —— To come straight to the point. (Dead translation: to open the door and see the mountain)
⑼大张旗鼓 —— On a large and spectacular scale. (Dead translation: to make a great array of flags and drums)
⑽风雨飘摇 —— Being unstable. (Dead translation: The wind and rain are rocking)
2.2.3 Additional remarks & Note
The readers need additional remarks and note if the meaning of the idiom is not completely understood. Additional remarks
“Additional remarks” refers to “to increase the related information, which may help understand the intrinsic meaning of the idiom in the translation process.” It is usually concise.
For example:
⑴The translation of “事后诸葛亮” is “to be a wise man like Zhuge Liang after the event.” As we know, Zhuge Liang is a renowned character in the Chinese history. He is the symbol of wisdom. But the foreign friends may not necessarily know who he is. Therefore, the translator has to explain who Zhuge Liang is. The foreign readers are easier to understand the connotation of the idiom.
⑵你这是班门弄斧。——“You are showing off your proficiency with an axe before Luban the master carpenter.”
In order to help foreign readers understand the meaning of the idiom, translators add “showing off your proficiency “ to indicate the connotation of “班门弄斧” and also add some background knowledge of this idiom, that is to say, Lu Ban is a master carpenter. The method of translation not only makes the translation precise but also takes the meaning expression and the cultural exchange into account.
⑶Like “东施效颦” may be translated as “ Tung shih imitates Hsi shih” (Hsi shih was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yueh. Tung shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way). Its concealed meaning is “imitates others to make a fool of oneself”.
⑷If we translate “八仙过海” to “ the eight fairies crossed the sea” without introducing “八仙(the eight fairies)”are characters in the Chinese myth story, the readers should be puzzled. Therefore we must add the annotation behind the translation: the eight fairies of Taoism in Chinese folklore. Note
“Note” refers to “to add the related information and bac 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法kgrounds of the idioms in details.” It is usually the footnotes.
Although the structure is simple ,the implied meaning is profound. Therefore,they cannot be solely come up the understanding and translation from a single word. Some Chinese idioms are rich in Chinese cultural backgrounds, among which contain the ancient Chinese names from mythology and history. If we translate this kind of idioms literally, the native English readers will not understand them. If we translate the idioms with more explanation, the translations will loss the idiom characteristic of being concise. In this case, we’d better translate the idiom freely with the actual meaning rather than focus on its cultural background. If we use the method of direct translation to translate this kind of idioms, it will bring difficulties to the native English reader"s reading and understanding. Moreover, even if we use the method of significance translation, we still can’t vividly reappear the literary reference and the cultural connotation of the Chinese idioms.
Some foreign readers don"t know the meaning of the Chinese idioms from the paraphrase. But they may be wondering the stories related to them. In this case, concise note is necessary to compensate the cultural differences and decrease cultural loss. These methods should be cautiously used in the avoidance of tediousness and the explanatory notes are usually footnotes.
Such as:
⑴“画饼充饥” —— Allaying hunger with pictures of cakes
In the three kingdoms period (220-280), the kind of the Wei, Cao Rui, wanted to select a very capable man to work for him. He said to his ministers: “when choosing a talented person, always beware of one with a false reputation. A false reputation is just like a picture of a cake, it can’t reliever hunger.” later, this idiom came to be used to mean comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts, without solving practical problems.
⑵“叶公好龙” —— Lord Sheh’s love of dragons
Sheh was so fond of dragons that he adorned his whole palace with drawings and carvings of them, but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation and paid him a visit, he was frightened out of his wits.
The translators have to add a footnote to this idiom, and the foreign readers can get the connotation from it.
More similar idioms are as follows:
⑶毛遂自荐 —— Mao Sui recommending himself
In the warring states period, the state of Qin besieged the capital of the state of Zhao. Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the state of Chu personally for assistance. He wanted to select a capable man to go with him. A man called Mao Sui volunteered. When the negotiations between the two states were stalled because the ruler of Chu hesitates to send troops, Mao Sui approached him, brandishing a sword. In that situation, the ruler of Chu agrees to help Zhao, against Qin.
So the Chinese use “毛遂自荐” to mean that “to volunteer one’s service”
⑷“一鼓作气” —— Rousing the spirits with the first drum roll
During the spring and autumn period, an army from the state of Qi confronted one from the state of Lu. After the first roll of drums from the Qi side to summon Lu to battle, the Lu ruler wanted to attack. But his counselor Cao Gui said “we should wait until the third drum roll, sire.” after the Qi side had beaten the drums three times, the Lu army attacked and defeated the Qi army. After the battle, the king asked Cao Gui the reasons for his odd advice. Cao Gui answered, “fighting needs spirit. Their spirit was aroused by the first roll or the drums, but was depleted by the second. And it was completely exhausted by the third. We started to attack when their spirit was exhausted. That’s why we won.”
So, later, this idiom means, “to get something done with one sustained effort.”
2.2.4 Omission
Ms Hu Aiping has mentioned that “汉语成语有些是对偶词组,前后两对含义相同,修辞上优美匀称,尤其是在四字结构的成语中,多呈现‘同义反复’的现象。这种现象在崇尚简洁的英语中是最忌讳的。”[12]P69 (Some Chinese idioms are the matched phrases. The meanings of the two pairs of words are same. They are exquisite and symmetrical in rhetoric. Particularly the four characters structure idioms present the phenomenon of ‘tautology’. This kind of phenomenon is a taboo in English, which advocate succinctness.)
The images in Chinese idioms are vivid. Many idioms have the compound antithesis structure. Though their explanations are different, the concealed meanings are same. Regarding this kind of idiom translation, In order to avoid “tautology “, translating the meaning of image is ok.
For example:
⑴ 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法近朱者赤,近墨者黑 —— One who stays near vermilion gets stained red./When you touch red,you become red. There are some similar expressions in the English speaking countries: “one takes the behavior of one’s company.” or “one takes on the attributes of one’s associates.” or “watch the company you keep.”
⑵“无影无踪”,whose meaning is “to vanish without a trace”, the meaning of “无影”is “without an image”, “无踪”means “without a trace”. Hence, “without a trace” is enough to express the whole meaning of this idiom.
⑶忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。(罗贯中《三国演义》)—— suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.
Here, “长吁” and “短叹” have the same meaning of “sighing deeply”.
⑷“这断子绝孙的阿Q!”远远地听得小尼姑的带哭的声音。(鲁迅《阿Q正传》)——“ Ah Q, may you die sonless! ” Sounded the little nun’s voice tearfully in the distance.
In the translation, “die sonless” can express the meanings of both “断子” and “绝孙”.
⑸她只觉得头晕眼花,辨不出路径 —— She felt too dizzy to remember the way she had come. In Chinese, “头晕” and “眼花” have the same meaning of “dizzy”.
The similar idioms are:
⑹愁眉苦脸 —— Gloomy faces
⑺天长地久 —— Eternal like skies
⑻五光十色 —— Multicolored
⑼生龙活虎 —— Bursting with energy
⑽字斟句酌 —— Weigh every word
Nevertheless, translation methods are not fixed. One Chinese idiom may be translated in several different ways. Proper translations are to be chosen by consideration of various contexts and readers’ acceptability. Eugene. Nida thought that, “对于真正成功的翻译来说,双文化能力甚至要比双语能力更为重要。”[14]P70(Regarding the success translation that, the double cultural ability even must be more important than the bilingual ability)Therefore, translating Chinese idioms into English is a concrete operating process. First, the translators must fully understand the intrinsic meaning of the Chinese idiom; second, they should use several translation methods flexibly, contrast the similarities and differences between English and Chinese, adjust the structure suitably; last, try their best to translate Chinese idioms which bear the cultural characteristic and information to the foreign readers. Helping the foreign readers eliminate and reduce language and cultural barrier requests the translator to translate the form of Chinese idioms diligently that the foreign readers are glad to accept. At the same time it is a big challenge to reappear Chinese culture in English.
Translation is not only two languages exchanges, but also one kind of cross-cultural exchange. Its goal is to break the barrier between the two different languages.
Bibliography (Reference):
⑴裘乐英 英汉文化差异和习语翻译 [J] 四川师范学院学报2002 P65
⑵现代汉语词典2002年增补本 [C] 商务印书馆 2002 P130 ⑷同⑶ P651
⑸同⑴ P64
⑹张勇先 实用英语惯用法教程 [M] 中国人民大学出版社1998 P164
⑺冯庆华 实用翻译教程 [M] 上海外语教育出版社 2000 P139
⑻叶子南 高级英汉翻译理论与实践 [M] 清华大学出版社2001 P80
⑼吕瑞昌,喻云根等 汉英翻译教程 [M] 陕西人民出版社 1983 P60
⑽同⑻ P81
⑾陈宏薇,李亚丹 新编汉英翻译教程 [M] 上海外语教育出版社 2004 P30
⑿胡爱萍 试 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法 汉语成语翻译的方法论汉语成语英译中的归化和异化 [J] 阜阳师范学院学报 2004 P69
⒀王武兴 汉译英中不同社会文化信息的转换 [J]中国翻译 2004 P20
⒁曾奇 从文化翻译观来看汉语习语的英译 [J] 湖北民族学院学报 2001 P70



一、 带“数字”成语

二、 带“动物”成语

三、 带“植物”成语

四、 带“人体”成语

五、 带“方位”成语

六、 带“色彩”成语

七、 叠字成语

八、 带“不”字成语

九、 带“人”字成语

十、 带“想”的成语

十一、 带“多”的成语

十二、 带“看”的成语

十三、 含有一对近义的成语

十四、 含有两队近义的成语

十五、 含有一对反义的成语

十六、 含有两对反义的成语

十七、 近义反义的成语

十八、 隔字相同的成语

十九、 带“兵器”的成语

二十、 描写四季成语

二十一、 描写时辰成语

二十二、 描写花草树果成语

二十三、 描写天气成语

二十四、 描写情况紧急的成语

二十五、 源自于寓言故事成语

二十六、 源自于历史故事成语

二十七、 首尾同字的成语

二十八、 含有比喻成分的成语

二十九、 表示稀少的成语

三十、 描写热闹繁华的成语

三十一、 描写丰富繁多的成语

三十二、 描写说的成语

三十三、 含有夸张成分的成语

三十四、 成语之最

一、 数 字 成 语

一唱一和 一呼百应 一干二净 一举两得 一落千丈 一模一样 一暴十寒

一心一意 一败涂地 一本正经 一臂之力 一尘不染 一见如故 一箭双雕 一脉相承 一目了然 一窍不通 一视同仁 一泻千里 一草一木 一成不变 一帆风顺 一鼓作气 一哄而散 一如既往 一丝不苟 一言难尽 一衣带水 一朝一夕 一针见血 一知半解 一表人才 一波三折 一步登天

一筹莫展 一触即发 一刀两断 一技之长 一蹶不振 一劳永逸 一鸣惊人 一念之差 一贫如洗 一气呵成 一清二白 一扫而空 一息尚存 一相情愿 略胜一筹 两败俱伤 两虎相斗 两面三刀 两全其美 两小无猜 两袖清风 进退两难 三长两短 三顾茅庐 三令五申 三生有幸 三思而行 三头六臂 三心二意 三言两语 半夜三更 入木三分 火冒三丈 三天打鱼,两天晒网

四海为家 四分五裂 四面楚歌 四通八达 四平八稳 危机四伏 四海升平

五彩缤纷 五光十色 五湖四海 五花八门 五颜六色 五体投地 五脏六腑 五谷丰登 学富五车 五雷轰顶

六神无主 六亲无靠 六月飞霜 六根清净

七零八落 七拼八凑 七上八下 七手八脚 七嘴八舌 七窍生烟 七情六欲

八面玲珑 八面威风 半斤八两 胡说八道 八仙过海,各显神通 九死一生 九牛一毛 九霄云外 九牛二虎之力 含笑九泉

十拿九稳 十年寒窗 十全十美 十万火急 十指连心 十冬腊月 神气十足

百无禁忌 百川归海 百读不厌 百发百中 百废俱兴 百感交集 百花齐放 百口难辩 百炼成钢 百年不遇 百年大计 百思不解 百战百胜 百依百顺 百折不挠 百孔千疮 精神百倍 百尺竿头,更进一步 百闻不如一见

千变万化 千差万别 千锤百炼 千方百计 千呼万唤 千军万马 千钧一

发 千里迢迢 千门万户 千难万险 千篇一律 千千万万 千秋万代 千山万水 千丝万缕 千头万绪 千辛万苦 千言万语 千真万确 千奇百怪 千姿百态 千虑一得 千虑一失 千载难逢 千难万险 横扫千军

万水千山 万无一失 万众一心 万紫千红 万死一生 万籁俱寂 瞬息万变

二、 动 物 名 称 成 语

【鼠】鼠目寸光 鼠肚鸡肠 鼠窃狗盗 投鼠忌器 抱头鼠窜 獐头鼠目 胆小如鼠

【牛】牛鬼蛇神 牛刀小试 牛鼎烹鸡 汗牛充栋 对牛弹琴 九牛一毛 气壮如牛 牛毛细雨 泥牛入海

【虎】虎视眈眈 虎口余生 虎头虎脑 虎背熊腰 虎头蛇尾 虎落平阳 虎穴龙潭 放虎归山 谈虎色变 如虎添翼 骑虎难下 为虎作伥 与虎谋皮 藏龙卧虎 狐假虎威 羊入虎口 狼吞虎咽 龙行虎步 龙吟虎啸 龙争虎斗 龙盘虎踞 龙腾虎跃 生龙活虎 降龙伏虎

【兔】兔死狐悲 兔死狗烹 狡兔三窟 鸟飞兔走 守株待兔

【龙】龙腾虎跃 龙飞凤舞 龙马精神 龙凤呈祥 画龙点睛 来龙去脉 攀龙附凤 群龙无首 望子成龙 车水马龙 人中之龙 叶公好龙 降龙伏虎 老态龙钟 笔走龙蛇 龙潭虎穴

【蛇】蛇蝎心肠 画蛇添足 惊蛇入草 龙蛇混杂 杯弓蛇影 牛鬼蛇神 打草惊蛇 虚与委蛇 笔走龙蛇 春蚓秋蛇

【马】马到成功 马不停蹄 马革裹尸 一马当先 老马识途 汗马功劳

万马齐喑 一马平川 天马行空 快马加鞭 走马看花 信马由缰 蛛丝马迹 兵荒马乱 万马奔腾 犬马之劳 单枪匹马 招兵买马 人仰马翻 人困马乏 鞍前马后 人强马壮 猴年马月 青梅竹马 心猿意马 悬崖勒马 千军万马 香车宝马 指鹿为马 害群之马 厉兵秣马 塞翁失马盲人瞎马 脱僵之马 金戈铁马

【羊】羊质虎皮 羊肠小道 羊入虎口 亡羊补牢 虎入羊群 顺手牵羊

【猴】猴年马月 沐猴而冠 尖嘴猴腮 杀鸡吓猴 杀鸡儆猴

【鸡】鸡毛蒜皮 鸡鸣狗盗 鸡飞蛋打 鸡犬不宁 鸡犬不留 鸡犬升天 闻鸡起舞 杀鸡吓猴 杀鸡取卵 偷鸡摸狗 鹤立鸡群 小肚鸡肠 鼠肚鸡肠 呆若木鸡

【狗】狗急跳墙 狗尾续貂 狗仗人势 狗血喷头 犬马之劳 猪狗不如 兔死狗烹 鼠窃狗盗 狼心狗肺 狐朋狗友 狐群狗党 偷鸡摸狗 画虎类狗 鸡犬不惊 鸡零狗碎

【猪】猪突豨勇 猪狗不如 杀猪宰羊 封豕长蛇 凤头猪肚 蠢笨如猪

【鸟】鸟尽弓藏 笨鸟先飞 如鸟兽散 小鸟依人 惊弓之鸟 飞禽走兽 凤毛麟角 鸦雀无声 燕雀安知 鹤立鸡群 鹤发童颜 风声鹤唳 莺歌燕舞 草长莺飞 珍禽异兽 衣冠禽兽 燕语莺声 鹊巢鸠占 鹦鹉学舌 蜻蜓点水 欢呼雀跃 鸦雀无声 鹏程万里 一箭双雕 风声鹤唳 鹤发鸡皮 鹤发童颜 鹤立鸡群 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 声誉鹊起 饮鸩止渴 雁过拔毛 鸟枪换炮

【兽】困兽犹斗 如鸟兽散 人面兽心 飞禽走兽 珍禽异兽 衣冠禽兽 洪水猛兽 狼吞虎咽 猫鼠同眠 黔驴技穷 一丘之貉 管中窥豹

篇四:成语大全 四字成语

成语大全 四字成语(四字成语 分类大全)


关于诸葛亮的成语 三顾茅庐,万事俱备,只欠东风,料事如神,神机妙算,鬼斧神工,舌战群儒,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,既生瑜何生亮,扶不起的阿斗 白帝城托孤 赤壁之战 三足鼎立 作奸犯科 欲擒故纵 如鱼得水 思贤如渴 七擒七纵 龙盘虎踞 临危受命;三顾茅庐;如鱼得水;妄自菲薄; 作奸犯科;所向无敌;胸中鳞甲; 淡泊明志 苟全性命 伏龙凤雏 俭以养德 妄自菲薄 任重才轻 三顾茅庐 初出茅庐 草船借箭

含有动物名称的成语 画蛇添足、抱头鼠窜、千军万马、亡羊补牢、鸡鸣狗盗、 万象更新 鹤立鸡群、鸟语花香、对牛弹琴、如鱼得水、为虎作伥、蛛丝马迹、画龙点睛、抱头鼠窜、守株待兔、鹤发童颜、狼吞虎咽 、鼠目寸光、盲人摸象、鹤立鸡群、鸡鸣狗盗、蚕食鲸吞、龙争虎斗、鸡犬不宁、龙飞凤舞、龙腾虎跃、龙骧虎步、龙跃凤鸣、指鹿为马、兔死狐悲、心猿意马 杯弓蛇影、龙马精神、龙潭虎穴、黔驴技穷、车水马龙、虎背熊腰、狗急跳墙、鹬蚌相争

含有人体器官的成语 目瞪口呆、头重脚轻、口是心非、手疾眼快、头破血流、眉清目秀、口出不逊、耳聪目明 心灵手巧 七嘴八舌 心肝宝贝 浓眉大眼 别出心裁 千头万绪 忠言逆耳 抬头挺胸 首当其冲 钧一发 寒风刺骨 忠肝义胆 捷足先登 别有用心 半身不遂 肝胆相照 掌上明珠 马齿加长 以身作则 守口如瓶 怒目相向 别开生面 身首异处 居心不良 刮目相看 推心置腹 触目惊心 刺股悬梁 以身试法 小心翼翼 怒发冲冠 掩人耳目 张口结舌 力不从心 卑躬屈膝 扪心自问 怦然心动 掩耳盗铃 惊心动魄 包藏祸心 反面无常 平心静气 恨之入骨 措手不及 骨肉团圆 祸从口出 口是心非 大打出手 愁眉不展 脱胎换骨 体无完肤 切肤之痛 口若悬河 得心应手 愁眉苦脸 摩拳擦掌 体态轻盈 抛头露面 口齿伶俐 心不在焉 视财如命 挤眉弄眼 魂飞魄散 冷眼旁观 同心协力 回心转意 慈眉善目 改头换面 鼻青脸肿 光彩夺目 扬眉吐气 心血来潮 眉开眼笑 明目张瞻 唇亡齿寒 竭心尽力 吐哺握发 心甘情愿 眉清目秀 明眸皓齿 有眼无珠 耳提面命 血口喷人 心平气和 眉来眼去 有口皆卑 七嘴八舌 耳濡目染 唾面自乾 心安理得 眉飞色舞 有板有眼 三心二意 耳熟能详 问心无愧 心如刀割 手忙脚乱 铁石心肠 三头六臂 耳目一新 哑口无言 心灰意冷 心怀鬼胎 枉费心机 不足挂齿 洗耳恭听 丧心病狂 心直口快 胸有成竹 棋逢敌手 眼高手低、胸无点墨、手足轻深、耳闻目睹、袖手傍观、提心吊胆 七手八脚 五脏六腑 首屈一指 居心叵测

含有昆虫名称的成语 飞蛾扑火、金蝉脱壳、积蚊成雷、蟾宫折挂、蚕食鲸吞、蜻蜓点水、螳臂挡车、蛛丝马迹、螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后

含有一组近义词的成语 见多识广、察言观色、高瞻远瞩 、左顾右盼 、调兵遣将 、粉身碎骨 狂风暴雨、旁敲侧击、千辛万苦、 眼疾手快、 生龙活虎 、惊天动地 七拼八凑 、胡言乱语 、改朝换代、 道听途说

含有一组反义词的成语 前呼后拥 东倒西歪 眼高手低 口是心非 头重脚轻 有头无尾 前倨后恭 东逃西散 南辕北辙 左顾右盼 积少成多 同甘共苦 半信半疑 大材小用 先人后

己 有口无心 天经地义 弄假成真 举足轻重 南腔北调 声东击西 转危为安 东倒西歪 反败为胜 以少胜多 由此及彼

描写情况紧急的成语 千钧一发 刻不容缓 迫不及待 十万火急 火烧眉毛 燃眉之急 描写人物动作的成语 走马观花 欢呼雀跃 扶老携幼 手舞足蹈 促膝谈心 前俯后仰 奔走相告 跋山涉水 前赴后继 张牙舞爪

描写人物神态的成语 心旷神怡 心平气和 目不转睛 呆若木鸡 眉开眼笑 愁眉苦脸 愁眉紧锁 目瞪口呆 垂头丧气 嬉皮笑脸

描写人物神情、情绪的成语 悠然自得 眉飞色舞 喜笑颜开 神采奕奕 欣喜若狂 呆若木鸡 喜出望外 垂头丧气 无动于衷 勃然大怒

描写英雄人物的成语 一身正气 临危不惧 光明磊落 堂堂正正 大智大勇 力挽狂澜 急中生智 仰不愧天 镇定自若 化险为夷

描写人的口才的成语 能说会道 巧舌如簧 能言善辩 滔滔不绝 伶牙俐齿 出口成章 语惊四座 娓娓而谈 妙语连珠 口若悬河

描写人间情谊的成语 恩重如山 深情厚谊 手足情深 形影不离 血浓于水 志同道合 风雨同舟 赤诚相待 肝胆相照 生死相依

描写春天美好的成语 春光明媚 万紫千红 春雨如油 生机勃勃 春色满圆 春意盎然 鸟语花香 春暖花开 百花齐放 和风细雨

有关“想”的成语 苦苦地想(苦思冥想)静静地想(静思默想)想得周全(深思熟虑)想得混乱( 胡思乱想)想得厉害(浮想联翩)想得很多(左思右想)想得荒唐(痴心妄想) 想得离奇(异想天开)想了又想(朝思暮想)

有关“多”的成语 观众多(座无虚席)贵宾多(高朋满座)人很多(摩肩接踵)人才多(人才济济) 兵马多(千军万马)事物多(林林总总)色彩多(五彩缤纷)类别多(千差万别) 困难多(千辛万苦)话儿多(滔滔不绝)读书多(博览群书)见识多(见多识广) 变化多(千变万化)走得多(走南闯北)颜色多(五颜六色)花样多(五花八门)

带有“看”的近义词的成语 见多识广 望而生畏 察言观色 一视同仁 一览无余 高瞻远瞩 坐井观天 举世瞩目 管中窥豹 左顾右盼

十二生肖成语 胆小如鼠 对牛弹琴 杀鸡吓猴 如狼似虎 守株待兔 狗急跳墙 叶公好龙 画蛇添足 呆若木鸡 人仰马翻 顺手牵羊 人怕出名猪怕壮

带有“龙”字的成语 生龙活虎 龙争虎斗、龙马精神 龙飞凤舞 龙腾虎跃 龙骧虎步 画龙点睛 龙潭虎穴 龙跃凤鸣 车水马龙

有关战争的成语 铸甲销戈 止戈兴仁 止戈散马 枕戈寝甲 多事之秋 以战养战 以战去战 以逸待劳 偃武息戈 偃甲息兵 偃革倒戈 休养生息 休兵罢战 矢石之难 上兵伐谋 散兵游勇 戎马倥偬 穷兵黩武 破斧缺斨 磨盾之暇 路遥知马力,日久见人心 龙战鱼骇 龙血玄黄 连天烽火 来好息师 金戈铁马 祸结兵连 化干戈为玉帛

归马放牛 鼓衰力尽 干戈载戢 烽火四起 烽火连年 风尘之变 放牛归马 伐罪吊民 倒载干戈 刀枪入库 大动干戈 春秋无义战 楚界汉河 赤地千里 兵无常势 兵戎相见 兵连祸结 兵慌马乱 兵荒马乱 兵戈扰攘 白骨露野

首尾同字的成语 微乎其微 神乎其神天外有天 痛定思痛 数不胜数 举不胜举 人外有人 防不胜防 忍无可忍 闻所未闻

带有鸟类名称的成语 欢呼雀跃 鸦雀无声 鹏程万里 一箭双雕 风声鹤唳 鹤发鸡皮 鹤发童颜 鹤立鸡群 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 螳螂捕蝉, 黄雀在后

带有数字的成语 一唱一和 一呼百应 一干二净 一举两得 一落千丈 一模一样 一暴十寒 一日千里 一五一十 一心一意

两面三刀 三长两短 三番五次 三三两两 三头六臂 三心二意 三言两语 四分五裂 四面八方 四通八达 四平八稳 五光十色 五湖四海 五花八门 五颜六色 六神无主 七颠八倒 七零八落 七拼八凑 七上八下 七手八脚 七嘴八舌 八面玲珑 九死一生 九牛一毛 十马九稳 十全十美 百发百中 百孔千疮 百战百胜 百依百顺 千变万化 千差万别 千军万马 千山万水 千丝万缕 千辛万苦 千言万语 千真万确 千锤百炼 千方百计 千奇百怪 千姿百态 千钧一发 千虑一得 千虑一失 千篇一律 万水千山 万无一失 万众一心 万紫千红 万死一生

描写友情的成语 推心置腹 肝胆相照 情同手足 志同道合 风雨同舟 荣辱与共 同甘共苦 关怀备注 心心相印 海誓山盟 拔刀相助 亲密无间

描写花的成语 万紫千红 春暖花开 鸟语花香 姹紫嫣红 花红柳绿 百花争艳 锦上添花 火树银花 昨日黄花 春花秋月 过时黄花 花团锦簇 花枝招展

描写山的成语 崇山峻岭 山明水秀山穷水尽 大好山河 刀山火海 地动山摇 高山深涧 悬崖峭壁 峰峦雄伟 漫山遍野 江山如画 锦绣山河

描写颜色的成语 五彩缤纷 五颜六色 一碧千里 万紫千红 花红柳绿 翠色欲流 姹紫嫣红 五光十色 青红皂白 绿水青山

表示稀少的成语 不可多得 凤毛麟角 九牛一毛 绝无仅有 空前绝后 寥寥无几 寥若晨星 宁缺毋滥 前所未有 屈指可数 三三两两 铁树开花 微乎其微 一麟半爪 一丝一毫 百里挑一 沧海一粟 千古绝唱

描写热闹繁华的成语 摩肩接踵 车水马龙 川流不息 纷至沓来 花花世界 举袖为云 挥汗如雨 络绎不绝 门庭若市 万人空巷 水泄不通 人声鼎沸 人欢马叫 人山人海 震耳欲聋 座无虚席

描写丰富繁多的成语 包罗万象 琳琅满目 美不胜收 目不暇接 无奇不有 无穷无尽 无所不包 五花八门 眼花缭乱 洋洋大观 一应俱全 应有尽有 应接不暇 比比皆是 不可计数 层出不穷 绰绰有余 多多益善 多如牛毛 俯拾皆市 举不胜举 漫山遍野 星罗棋布 丰富多彩

含有“云”字的成语 九霄云外 腾云驾雾壮志凌云 风云变幻 风起云涌 行云流水 风卷残云 浮云蔽日 孤云野鹤 烘云托月过眼云烟 烟消云散

含有“雨”字的成语 大雨倾盆 血雨腥风 风雨交加 风调雨顺 枪林弹雨 风雨同舟 风雨无阻 和风细雨 狂风暴雨 满城风雨 滂沱大雨 春风化雨 风雨飘摇 斜风细雨 未雨绸缪

含有“水”字的成语 水流湍急 水平如镜 高山流水 千山万水 水滴石穿 水乳交融 滴水不漏 杯水车薪 洪水猛兽 流水无情

描写说的成语 直言不讳 无所顾忌 拐弯抹角 真心诚意 故弄玄虚 侃侃而谈 滔滔不绝 虚情假意 推心置腹 旁敲侧击 喋喋不休 慢条斯理 含糊其词 唠唠叨叨 振振有辞 肆无忌惮 大言不惭 娓娓动听 绘声绘色 对答如流 自圆其说 闲言碎语

描写人的容貌或体态的成语 闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 出水芙蓉 明眸皓齿 美如冠玉 倾国倾城 国色天香 鹤发童颜 眉清目秀 和蔼可亲 心慈面善 张牙舞爪 愁眉苦脸 冰清玉洁 雍容华贵 文质彬彬 威风凛凛 老态龙钟 虎背熊腰 如花似玉 容光焕发 落落大方 骨瘦如柴 大腹便便 面黄肌瘦 其貌不扬 蓬头垢面 弱不禁风

描写人的语言的成语 口若悬河 对答如流 滔滔不绝 谈笑风生 高谈阔论 豪言壮语 夸夸其谈 花言巧语

描写人心理活动的成语 忐忑不安 心惊肉跳 心神不定 心猿意马 心慌意乱 七上八下 心急如焚

描写骄傲的成语 班门弄斧 孤芳自赏 居功自傲 目中无人 妄自尊大 忘乎所以 惟我独尊 自高自大 自鸣得意 自我陶醉 自命不凡 目空一切

描写谦虚的成语 不骄不躁 功成不居 戒骄戒躁 洗耳恭听 虚怀若谷 慎言谨行

描写学习的成语 学无止境 学而不厌 真才实学 学而不倦 发奋图强 废寝忘食 争分夺秒 孜孜不倦 笨鸟先飞 闻鸡起舞 自强不息 只争朝夕 不甘示弱 全力以赴 力争上游 披荆斩棘

描写人的智慧的成语 料事如神 足智多谋 融会贯通 学贯中西 博古通今 才华横溢 出类拔萃 博大精深 集思广益 举一反三

描写人物品质的成语 奋不顾身 舍己为人 坚强不屈 赤胆忠心 不屈不挠 忠贞不渝 誓死不二 威武不屈 舍死忘生 肝胆相照 克己奉公 一丝不苟 两袖清风 见礼忘义 永垂不朽 顶天立地 豁达大度 兢兢业业 卖国求荣 恬不知耻 贪生怕死 厚颜无耻

描写人物神态的成语 神采奕奕 眉飞色舞 昂首挺胸 惊慌失措 漫不经心 垂头丧气 没精打采 愁眉苦脸 大惊失色 炯炯有神

描写人物仪态、风貌的成语 憨态可掬 文质彬彬 风度翩翩 相貌堂堂 落落

大方?? 斗志昂扬 意气风发 威风凛凛 容光焕发 神采奕奕

含有夸张成分的成语 怒发冲冠 一目十行 一日千里 一字千金 百发百中 一日三秋 不毛之地 不计其数 胆大包天 寸步难行一步登天 千钧一发

含有比喻成分的成语 观者如云 挥金如土 铁证如山 爱财如命 稳如泰山 门庭若市 骨瘦如柴 冷若冰霜 如雷贯耳 守口如瓶 浩如烟海 高手如林

描写早晨、中午、傍晚、夜晚的成语 东方欲晓 旭日东升 万物初醒 空气清醒 雄鸡报晓 晨雾弥漫 晨光绚丽 烈日当头 丽日临空 艳阳高照 万里无云 碧空如洗 日落西山 夕阳西斜 残阳如血 炊烟四起 百鸟归林 华灯初上 夜幕低垂 日薄西山 夜深人静 月明星稀 夜色柔美 夜色迷人 深更半夜 漫漫长夜

描写城镇、村庄的成语 风光秀丽 人山人海 车水马龙 宁静和谐 草木苍翠 竹篱瓦舍 山幽路辟 小桥流水

描写商店、馆场、学校、车站、码头、街道的成语 粉饰一新 门可罗雀 冷冷清清 错落有致 富丽堂皇 设施齐全 气势雄伟 金碧辉煌 风景如画 闻名遐迩 桃李满天下 井然有序 杂乱无章 布局巧妙 错落有致 宽阔平坦 崎岖不平 拥挤不堪 畅通无阻

描写花、草、树木的成语 花红柳绿 花色迷人 花香醉人 花枝招展 百花齐放 百花盛开 百花争艳 绚丽多彩 五彩缤纷 绿草如茵 一碧千里 杂草丛生 生机勃勃 绿油油 苍翠挺拔 郁郁葱葱 枯木逢春 秀丽多姿 青翠欲滴 林海雪原 耸入云天 瓜果蔬菜 清香鲜嫩 青翠欲滴 果园飘香 果实累累 果实饱满 鲜嫩水灵

描写彩虹、雪、霜、露、雷电的成语 雨后彩虹 彩桥横空 若隐若现 光芒万丈 大雪纷飞 大雪封山 鹅毛大雪 漫天飞雪 瑞雪纷飞 林海雪原 风雪交加 雪上加霜 寒霜袭人 霜林尽染 垂露欲滴 朝露晶莹 日出露干 电光石火 雷电大作 惊天动地 春雷滚滚 电劈石击 雷电交加

描写小雨、大雨的成语 阴雨连绵 牛毛细雨 秋雨连绵 随风飘洒 倾盆大雨 狂风暴雨 大雨滂沱 瓢泼大雨 大雨淋漓 暴雨如注

描写风、雾、云、霞的成语 秋风送爽 金风送爽 北风呼啸 微风习习 寒风刺骨 风和日丽 大雾迷途 云雾茫茫 雾似轻纱 风吹雾散 云消雾散 彩云满天 天高云淡 乌云翻滚 彤云密布 彩霞缤纷 晚霞如火 朝霞灿烂 丹霞似锦

描写日、月、星、天空的成语 旭日东升 日上三竿 一轮红日 日高三尺 艳阳高照 烈日当头 骄阳似火 日影西斜 月出东墙 月出东山 玉兔东升 月光皎洁 月色迷 月牙初升 满天星斗 众星捧月 群星灿烂 万点繁星 碧空万里 浩浩长空 晴空万里 万里无云 碧空如洗

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