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时间:2024-04-27 16:32:44 来源:爱作文网  爱作文网手机站



What is friendship? It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome. It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart.

What is friendship? It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome. It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart. It is not a book that we read, but it provides guidance to our life. Friendship is untouchable but it exists and touches people’s heart. It is something wonderful.

Friendship is about solicitude. When we get ill in bed, our friends will put aside what they are doing and come immediately to us. They will sit by our bed so that they can get what we need at the moment promptly.

Friendship is about encouragement. When we fail and find ourselves hopeless and helpless,friends will be there ,accompanying us, bracing us up and seeing it through with us.

Friendship is about consolation. When we weep in grief, our friends will be around us, hearkening to our bitter experience and trying their level best to make us feel better.

Nevertheless, it is superficial to perceive friendship as gaining benefits from others. Friendship is more than that. We can’t merely receive. We ought to repay as well because friendship is reciprocal. Friendship is about tolerance. We can’t expect our friends to be flawless because no one is perfect. We should be magnanimous enough to accept some of their shortcomings, which they endeavor hard but fail to get rid of.

Friendship is about forgiveness. They shouldn’t be considered as bad friends even if they do something wrong to us. We are supposed to listen calmly and even-temperedly to their words as well as accept their sincere apology. A trifle is not supposed to injure a great friendship.

Friendship is about constant attention. Long time of neglect will upset our friends. If we let nature take its course without taking any action, friendship will eventually wither, like a flower which has been left without caring for too much time.

Now it won’t be so hard to realize that friendship is not as easy as it may seem. It is like the reservoir, which will dry up if one doesn’t constantly pipe water into it. It is like the glass, which is fragile and needs careful attention. It is sometimes difficult to handle. To conclude, friendship is a mutual spiritual assist. We get

supported and helped while at the same time support and help our friends.


Ladies and gentlemen,the title of my speech today is “the puer friendship between men and women”

女士们先生们,今天我演讲的题目是男女之间的“纯友谊” Are there pure friendship between isomerism(异性)?Only when we realized what is the pure friendship can we know is there it between men and women. Pure friendship is a kind of emotion that not include kinship (亲情)or love. The following are my views on this issue:异性之间有纯友谊吗?只有我们理解了什么是纯友谊,我们才能去判断男女之间有没有纯友谊。纯友谊是一种不掺杂亲情和爱情的情感。下面是我对这个问题的有关看法:

First and foremost, as two kinds of different sexual bionts, it’s an law of natural to attract each other between women and men. Especially to men, women exerts a peculiar fascination on them whether the girl have a boyfriend.首先,男人和女人作为两种性别不同的生命体,相互吸引是一种自然而然的事。特别是对于男人来说,女人有没有伴侣不会是他是否喜欢这个女人的阻碍。 In addition, maybe you have such thought that there is only friendship can exist men an women during their original time. You must be a woman if you have such opinion He make friends with you,because of your attraction.此外,你可能会认为男人和女人在认识的初期只能存在纯友谊,如果你这样想,那你肯定是个女人,他之所以和你成为朋友,是因为被你所吸引。

More importantly, it is said that in contemporary theory of sex that there are not only congenital difference on physiology between man and women,but also reflected in sociology. 最后,根据当代性别学说,男人和女人的不同不仅存在于先天生理的不同,更加存在社会学中。

To sum up,actions speak louder than words. There are no pure friendship between man and woman. 总之,事实胜于雄辩,男人和女人不存在纯友谊。



时间:2009年03月24日 作者:匿名 来源:网络

关于友谊的英语作文 Friendship



友谊又是我们可以享受的最大乐趣之一。友谊蕴含真诚、热忱、怜悯、挚爱和乐于助人之意。在人的一生中,如果不认真谨慎地力求交结正直的朋友,他就不能从生活中获 得最大益处。

懂得了友谊是多么宝贵之后,就应谨慎地选择朋友。真正的朋友品性良好,能力上等,心地善良;真正的朋友能分担我们的忧伤,倍增我们的欢乐。交友之时,要谨慎选择具有这样美好品质的人。然后应以礼待友,当心不要无理地妨碍他们,不嘲笑他们的所作所为。我们应原谅朋友的失败,并尽己所能帮助他们。 简言之,建立了友谊之后,要通过言语和行动来珍惜友谊,像爱护宝物一样惜友谊。只有这样,才能发展真正的友谊,让神圣的友谊之灯照亮我们一生。

Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble, we

need friends to offer us help, support and

encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.

Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality,

sympathy, affection,and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along. Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be caref


ul not to

interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means

of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real

friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.

Friend ship

Everybody need friends. It’s very important for us to know how to make friends.

How to make friends? At first, we should be friendly to each other, and make strangers at home, wherever they are, and think more of others than ourselves. We shouldn’t quarrel with our friends if we have different opinions with them.

Don’ believe the man who leaves you when you are in danger because everyone knows “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Friendship is indispensable to people's life. A man without friends is an angel without wings, whose life will suffer in the long tolerance of loneliness and depression.

Friendship is the mother of our psyche, who'll warm her kid when hurt occurs. We have much to share with our friends in life, perplexity, excitement, bitterness etc. Alas, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship. 

It takes many special qualities to make a friend. Understanding should come first. Only when we get a better understanding of each other can we gain an authentic and meaningful friendship. We may find our hobbies of common interests. This feeling of affinity gets us closer and closer.


It also takes a special kind of love that seems to know no end. Never hesitate to show your heartfelt care and kindness to your friend when he/she is in trouble. Love is not selfish. Love is endowed by God that we should treasure all our life.


Tolerance is the third essential part in friendship. We are absolutely different persons. This individual

distinction may cause conflict between us in every aspect of our life. Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long. Try to tolerant his/her in an introspective mood. Saints are not perfect, let alone those ordinary people like us.

Afterwards, we should get a good communication. Never shy to confess.


Understanding, love and tolerance are the first three essences that comes to an authentic friendship. Other qualities are also concerned such as thoughtfulness, trust and patience. Remember, friendship is your psyche's guard, treasure it

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: What does friendship mean? You should write at least words and you shouldbase your

composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:



Name 马小军


Class 7

Friendship Have Great Influence Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life by single hand. Because friends can give us encouragement to overcome the difficulties and it can lend a brightness life to us. .

As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. When we are in trouble, friends can give us encourage and faith .They also try their best to help us. True friends more often share not only joy but sorrow. If we are obsessed by a problem, the certain friends may come into us help until the problem is solved and then will be somewhat estranged from us. Friendship is produced because we want a helper and they is willing to be a helper. In other spheres, with friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. We should treat friends equally. No mater who are rich and in power, some are low and common. Friendships bring happiness and help us enjoy the life. At present, more and more people have too much pressure. It can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being .So we can talk with our friends to

help. Do not worry about to been sneer and it can reduce our pressure and keep us fit.

Friendships give us in large quantities sympathy joy and love------things that saved us. This is true friendship and we really cherish it. You know, life is a bouquet and friendship is flower.


A feriend in need is a friend indeed . It means we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement.

As college student, we already know what is real friendship. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection, and readiness to help.

Knowing what real friendship is, we are very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys. While making friends, we want to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we treat our friends with courtesy. We forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we treasure it .

推荐访问:英语作文万能句子 关于友谊的英语作文 友谊英语作文四十字 友谊英语作文带翻译




